Expect Good Things to Happen!

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Everything in the universe is made of energy.  Our words and actions contain energy. Like attracts like, so expect good things to come to you all the time in expected and unexpected ways.

Do you think positive thoughts, have positive feelings and say positive words?  How often do you focus on positive outcomes and how do you truly desire and associate to those outcomes?  See the picture, hear what you would be saying and feel what you would be feeling?

Remember, you are energy.  What you give out comes back. 

Start small and take a few steps to build your positive energy.  When you start thinking positive thoughts, you start speaking positive words, you start feeling positive feelings and you take positive actions.  Next thing you know, you are on a positive roll!

You build a momentum of goodness in your life.  Your energy becomes contagious. No one can resist a positive energy person. Really think about it…

Believe and expect good and wonderful things are coming your way, trust and have faith.  Don’t be attached to the outcomes of circumstances or situations.  Even if it appears that something is not what you think you want, know that it is all for your good

The universe is always working for your good.  Trust this fact!  Remember, you always have free choice in the universe, so be thankful for whatever comes.  Allow life and people to be the way they are in the moment.  See if you can suspend your judgment and be present.   Respond instead of react.

One of the key principles of the universe is it is always expanding and growing.  The good you are seeking is also seeking you.  Wonderful people, opportunities, circumstances, places, travel, jobs, health, homes and success are waiting for you to receive them.  Acknowledge that you are the source of your own creative experience and link with your inner power.

Now go and create a masterpiece!

Affirmation by Catherine Ponder:  “The inflow and outflow of everything in my life is established in divine order.  I am peaceful and poised.”

John Lewis