We Have a Choice.

We all have a choice when deciding what to foods to buy, what products to clean with, the beauty/grooming products we use on our hair and bodies, and the type of care and remedies we choose when we are hurt or sick.  Needless to say, it is a journey (without trying to sound too cliche), and one that I am still on.  More than a year ago, we began the journey and dream to create a cookbook for Essential Oils. This cookbook will be included on this site when it is complete. In the meantime,  we will add different products and recipes we’ve found on our paths to a more non-toxic lifestyle.  Check it out!

Enter Essential Oils.

Our introduction to essential oils was when someone we trusted suggested that I use a Young Living oil to help support our wellness.  When we saw a difference, we knew I had to learn more.  Since then, we have used essential oils for so many things!!  Finding and using Young Living oils is something we truly thank God for everyday!

We Want to Share.

We are so glad we were introduced to therapeutic-grade essential oils, and we want to share their power with you.  Please browse around our site and contact us if you have any questions.  Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  Or just send us a note. We’d love for you to check out the Premium Starter Kit if you are curious as to where to start with essential oils.

And remember… YOU are in charge of your health and wellness!  Enjoy the journey and live inspired!

-John and Kari

Young living member #1921894

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